RBIS BISS GCHB AKC/ASCA CH Ashber’s Sugar Daddy "Hef"
DOB: 7/8/11
BISS AKC/ASCA CH Halo Black Is Bac at Lil Creek "Trevor"
Limelite’s Taste the Rainbow "Skittles"
Bred By Ashber Farm, Co -Owned with Ashley McClure (Sublime Aussies)
Hef is available to approved Bitches of Merit (Fresh or Frozen) Live cover in OR and WA State (Only) Health testing and pedigree available upon request

Hef in seattle

hef relaxing

Hef on the trail

Hef's big win

hef another win

hef's bigger win

hef with aj and ashley

smart hef

Sunny day hef win